Meritta Sea Turtle Rehabilitation Center

Merit International Group of Hotels, recognizing the importance of sea turtles in the Mediterranean region – creatures that have existed for over a hundred million years – and their need for care and treatment due to various factors, has launched a unique social responsibility project by establishing a world-class rehabilitation center in Cyprus, the paradise island in the heart of the Mediterranean.

About The Center

The Meritta Sea Turtle Rehabilitation Center was established as a social responsibility project under the Bern Convention, an international legal instrument aimed at ensuring the preservation and protection of marine species. This initiative was based on a protocol signed between Merit International Hotels and the Ministry of Tourism, Culture, Youth, and Environment of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC). The center began operations on May 10, 2018, within the premises of the Merit Crystal Cove Hotel in Alsancak, Kyrenia, TRNC, fully complying with international standards. The center’s mission is to protect sea turtles, contribute to the continuity of their habitats, and raise public awareness by treating injured sea turtles and releasing them back into their natural habitat as soon as possible.

The Center implements projects aimed at informing the public about the lives, feeding habits, causes of injury, and death of sea turtles, while contributing to scientific research and supporting other centers. Furthermore, the center works to enhance the conditions of sea turtles and their habitats while also developing projects aimed at creating a healthier and more sustainable environment for all living beings.

NET Children Meritta Publications

Our company, founded in 1982 within the Net Holding group, adopted the slogan 'The Best for Our Children' as its principle and started producing children's books in 1995. Aware of the importance and sensitivity of early childhood education, we strive to bring together the best content with the highest quality materials through our international and national team of writers and illustrators and our business partners to provide you with services.

Meritta and the Peace Heroes

Meritta Dirty Sea

Our children will both have fun and gain environmental awareness in this breathtaking adventure.

Meritta and the Magic Stone

Our children will have fun and gain environmental awareness in this breathtaking adventure.

Meritta Club

The Entertainment and Activities department, which began to be formed in the spring months of 2015, started with a dynamic approach. We made many arrangements, especially regarding the Mini Club, and changed some practices. We began to create a concept for a children's club that prioritized safety and hygiene but never compromised on the fun aspect. Significant changes and investments were planned in the physical structures. As a team, we initiated many research, development, and on-field implementation efforts related to activities, games, toys, and many other details. However, all of these, even if implemented in the best possible way, would not be enough. Similar examples in other places had also fallen short, and as part of this large institution, we should not settle and should continue to work with 'satisfaction.' With all the sensitivities we have mentioned so far, we focused on the child. The child touches, smells, tastes... And the child is never pushed aside. Thus far, what has been discussed is the inspiration for turning to a living being who cannot be pushed aside, who will sit and listen, touch and allow them to be around, who belongs to this island they have come to, who has memories, joys, sorrows, and friends. With the guidance of the island, we turned to the sea... the Mediterranean. The symbol of our island, just like the whole Mediterranean, is the loggerhead sea turtles (Caretta Caretta). We combined Caretta with Merit, and that's how the idea of the character MERİTTA was born. Extremely energetic, always positive, and very hospitable, she is a cheerful host.

Privileged Kids, Happy Families

Within a great harmony of nature, your kids will experience an unforgettable adventure with the heroes Merit Hotels. They will touch, smell, taste and explore the wonders of our island. Remember that creating characters, bringing them to life, making them talk, and keeping them alive is the saying of Walt Disney, the world's greatest, in these matters. Everything started with a mouse.


He is a sea turtle born in one of the loggerhead sea turtle nesting areas on the north coast of the island. He is more active and energetic compared to other members of his species. He is in direct communication with all living beings.He is a very fast swimmer for a sea turtle. He owes this feature to his closest friend, Adalım who has known him for years and is older than him. In our story, Meritta is depicted at the age of 15-16.

Meritta Club's Goals and Missions

To expand the servıce age range from 4-12 years old to 4-17 years old as of 2018, and ın the comıng years, to extend ıt to the age range of 1-17 years old.

To carry out development and ınnovatıon efforts related to all applıcatıons, actıvıtıes, and content.

Creatıng a balance of happy chıldren + happy famılıes = a happy organızatıon.

Becomıng a famıly.

Takıng on responsıbılıtıes related to the underwater marıne lıfe of the ısland.

To teach chıldren about the rıght to lıfe of all underwater/above-water lıvıng beıngs.

To take on actıve roles ın promotıng the ısland.

Ensurıng relaxed chıldren, relaxed famılıes, and a relaxed vacatıon.

Prıorıtızıng our guests' prıorıtıes.


In it’s early 30s, Adalım is a typical seabird hunter who came to the island by chance at a very young age and grew up here. As a great explorer; Adalım flown around the continents multiple times and gained a lot of experience to become a fearless survivor. Adalım used to hunt baby sea turtles until they met with Meritta. Until then, Adalım stopped the hunt of baby sea turtles. For the rest of it’s life, various struggles and adventures await them in the name of goodness with Meritta.


She got her name from an alloy used in ancient Greece for coin plating, and she is a very cheerful female Mediterranean seal who always looks at life positively. Although her acquaintance with the other characters is quite recent, she has quickly won their affection and adapted to her new life. Her secrets from the past will gradually come to light over time.