Meritta Sea Turtle Rehabilitation Center
About The Center
NET Children Meritta Publications

Meritta and the Peace Heroes
Meritta Dirty Sea

Meritta and the Magic Stone
Meritta Club
Privileged Kids, Happy Families
Meritta Club's Goals and Missions
To expand the servıce age range from 4-12 years old to 4-17 years old as of 2018, and ın the comıng years, to extend ıt to the age range of 1-17 years old.
To carry out development and ınnovatıon efforts related to all applıcatıons, actıvıtıes, and content.
Creatıng a balance of happy chıldren + happy famılıes = a happy organızatıon.
Becomıng a famıly.
Takıng on responsıbılıtıes related to the underwater marıne lıfe of the ısland.
To teach chıldren about the rıght to lıfe of all underwater/above-water lıvıng beıngs.
To take on actıve roles ın promotıng the ısland.
Ensurıng relaxed chıldren, relaxed famılıes, and a relaxed vacatıon.
Prıorıtızıng our guests' prıorıtıes.